Wednesday 5 September 2012




Statue of Samraat Mihir Bhoj in the Bharat Upvan (Garden of India) of Akshardham MandirNew Delhi
The origin of the Gurjars is uncertain.[8] Many Gurjars claim descent from Suryavanshi Kshatriyas (Sun Dynasty) and connect themselves with the Hindu deity Rama.[9] Historically, the Gurjars were Sun-worshipers and are described as devoted to the feet of the Sun-god (God Surya).Their copper-plate grants bear an emblem of the Sun and on their seals too, this symbol is depicted.[10] Also the Gurjar title of honor is Mihir which means Sun.[11][12] Ancient Sanskrit Poet Rajasekhara in his plays styled Gurjar rulers as Raghu-kula-tilaka (Ornament of the race of Raghu), Raghu-gramani (the leader of the Raghus)and so forth.[13]
In Ramayana, it is described that a war was fought among demons and gods.Gurjars fought against demons under the leadership of KingDasharatha.[14] There is also references of gurjar widows in Yoga Vasistha, whose husbands laid down their lives in the battlefield, having their heads tonsured as a mark of their bravement.[15] In Mahabharata war also Gurjars fought and later on along with lord Krishnamigrated from Mathura to Dwarka, Gujarat.[16]
The Gurjar clan appeared in northern India about the time of the Huna invasions of northern India. Some scholars, such as V. A. Smith, believed that the Gurjars were foreign immigrants, possibly a branch of Hephthalites ("White Huns").[17] Mr. Devadatta Ramakrishna Bhandarkar (D. B. Bhandarkar) (1875–1950) believed that Gurjars came into India with the Hunas, and their name "Gujar" wassanskritized to "Gurjara" or "Gūrjara".[1] He also believed that several places in Central Asia, such as "Gurjistan", are named after the Gujars and that the reminiscences of Gujar migration is preserved in these names.[1] General Cunningham identified the Gurjars withYuezhi or Tocharians.[18]
General Cunningham and A. H. Bingley consider the Gurjars as descendants of Kushan/Yueh-chi or Tocharians of Indo-Scythian stock.[19][20] In the past, Gurjars have also been hypothesized to be descended from the nomadic Khazar tribes, although the history of Khazars shows an entirely different politico-cultural ethos[21] In Gazetteer of Bombay Presidency, the British civil servant James M. Campbell identified Gujars with Khazars. Scott Cameron Levi, in his The Indian Diaspora in Central Asia and its Trade, 1550-1900, mentions Kazar (Khazar, could also refer to Kassar) and Kujar (Gujar) as two different tribes with links to Central Asia.
Some others claim that the Gurjar caste is related to the Chechens and the Georgians, and argue that Georgia was traditionally called "Gujaristan" (actually Gorjestan).[22][22][23]However, there is little evidence for such claims. The word "Georgia" derived from the Arabic and Persian word Gurj, and not Gujjar or Gurjar.[24][25]
A 2009 study conducted by Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation, under the supervision of Gujjar scholar Dr.Javaid Rahi, claimed that the word "Gujar" has a Central AsianTurkic origin, written in romanized Turkish as Göçer. Study claimed that according to the new research, the Gurjar race "remained one of the most vibrant identity of Central Asia in BC era and later ruled over many princely states in northern India for hundred of years".[26]
According to Scholars such as Baij Nath PuriMount Abu (ancient Arbuda Mountain) region of present day Rajasthan had been abode of the Gurjars during medieval period.[27] The association of the Gurjars with the mountain is noticed in many inscriptions and epigraphs including Tilakamanjari of Dhanpala.[28] These Gurjars migrated from Arbuda mountain region and as eatly as sixth century A.D, they set up one or more principalities in Rajasthan and Gujarat.Whole or a larger part of Rajasthan and Gujarat had been long known asGurjaratra (country ruled or protected by the Gurjars) or Gurjarabhumi (land of the Gurjars) for centuries prior to Mughal period.[29]
The sociologist G. S. Ghurye believes that the name Gujjar is derived from the principal profession followed by the tribe: cattle-breeding (the Sanskrit word for cow is gau and the oldHindi word for sheep is gadar).,[30] though "Gujjar" has come from "Gurjar" which is a sanskrit word which according to Sanskrit Dictionary (Shakabada1181), has been explained thus: Gur+jar; 'Gur' means 'enemy' and 'jar' means 'destroyer'. The word means "Destroyer of the enemy" .[31][32] The word "Gurjar" predicts the qualities of a warrior community.[33]

Gurjar rulers

The Gurjara-Pratihara kingdom and other contemporary kingdoms.
According to some historical accounts, the kingdom with capital at Bhinmal (or Srimal) was established by the Gurjars. A minor kingdom of Bharuch was the offshoot of this Kingdom.[34] In 640-41 CE, the Chinese traveller Xuanzang (Hieun Tsang) described the kingdoms of Su-la-cha (identified with Saurashtra) and Kiu-che-lo (identified with Gurjara) in his writings. He stated that the Gurjaras ruled a rich and populous kingdom with capital at Bhinmal (Pilo-mo-lo).[35] According to his expositor, M. Vivien de St. Martin, Su-la-cha represents the modern Gujarat, and Kiu-che-lo (Gurjjara), "the country of the Gujars", represents the region betweenAnhilwara and the Indus River, i.e. Sindh region.[36]
Vincent Smith believed that the Pratihara dynasty, which ruled a large kingdom in northern India from the 6th to the 11th centuries, and has been mentioned as "Gurjara-Pratiharas" in an inscription, was certainly of Gurjara origin. Smith also stated that there is possibility of other Agnikula Kshatriya clans being of same origin.[37] Dr. K. Jamanadas also states that the Pratihara clan descended from the Gurjars, and this "raises a strong presumption that the other Rajput clans also are the descendants from theGurjaras or the allied foreign immigrants".[38] D. B. Bhandarkar also believed that Pratiharas were a clan of Gurjars.[1] In his bookThe Glory that was Gujardesh (1943), Gurjar writer K. M. Munshi stated that the Pratiharas, the Paramaras and the Solankis were imperial Gujjars.
H. A. Rose and Denzil Ibbetson stated that there is no conclusive proof that the Agnikula Rajput clans are of Gurjara origin; they believed that there is possibility of the indigenous tribes adopting Gurjara names, when their founders were enfiefed by Gurjara rulers.[37] Some other historians believe that although some sections of the Pratiharas (e.g. the one to which Mathanadeva belonged) were Gurjars by caste, the Pratiharas of Kannauj were not Gurjars and there was no Gurjara empire in Northern India in 8th and 9th century.,[39][40] though from the work of other historians it has been known that Kannauj was capital of Gurjara-Pratihara.[41][42][43]
Chavdas, also known as Gurjar Chapas [44] was also one of the ruling clans of Gurjars,[45] who extended the power of the race in the south. [46]
The pratiharas belonged to the same clan that of Gurjaras was proved by the "Rajor inscription".From the phrase "Gurjara Pratiharanvayah" inscribed in the "Rajor inscription".[47] It is known that the Pratiharas belonged to the Gurjara clan.The Rashtrakuta records and the Arabian chronicles also identify the Pariharas with Gurjaras.[43]
Over the years, the Gurjars were assimilated mainly into the castes of Kshatriya varna, although some Gurjar groups (such as Gaur Gurjars of central India) are classified asBrahmins.During the Muslim rule, many of the Gurjars converted to Islam.[48] With the rise of Islam, Muslim Gujjars no longer adhered to their Kshatriya or Brahmin classification but retained clan names as a form of tribal recognition.Places such as GujranwalaGujar Khan, Gujar Kot, Gujrat in Pakistan and the state of Gujarat in India are a testament to the Gurjar influence in the past.[citation needed]
Gurjara-Pratihara Rulers (650-1036 AD)
Dadda I-II-III(650 - 750)
Nagabhata I(750 - 780)
Vatsaraja(780 - 800)
Nagabhata II(800 - 833)
Ramabhadra(833 - 836)
Mihira Bhoja I(836 - 890)
Mahendrapala I(890 - 910)
Bhoj II(910 - 913)
Mahipala I(913 - 944)
Mahendrapala II(944 - 948)
Devpala(948 - 954)
Vinaykpala(954 - 955)
Mahipala II(955 - 956)
Vijaypala II(956 - 960)
Rajapala(960 - 1018)
Trilochanpala(1018 - 1027)
Jasapala (Yashpala)(1024 - 1036)

Military dress and Equipment of early Medieval period Gurjars

The Epic Ancient Indian (Bharata)Gurjara Kingdom and other contemporary kingdoms.
The military code of Gurjaras are mentioned in the Kathakosaprakarana, Yasastilaka champu and the Tilakamanjari.Author S. R. Bakshi states that the description for Gurjar soldiers of Medieval period in the Yasastilaka champu is given as follows:
1. They had dhotis coming up to knees.
2. Their loins were girt with daggers mounted on the handles of buffalo horns.
3. The close and dense growth of hair that covering their bodies constituted as it were as armour for their entire body.
4. They appeared to be three-headed on account of quivers on both the right and left sides of their heads.
5. They surpassed even Krpa, Krpadharma, KarnaArjunaDronaDrupada, Bhaga and Bhargava in shooting swiftly, vigorously and accurately even distand objects. [49]

British rule

In the eighteenth century, several Gurjar chieftains and small kings were in power. During the reign of Rohilla Nawab Najib-ul-Daula, Dargahi Singh, the Gurjar chieftain of Dadri possessed 133 villages at a fixed revenue of Rs. 29,000.[50] A fort at Parlchhatgarh inMeerut District, also known as Qila Parikishatgarh, is ascribed to a Gurjar Raja Nain Singh.[51] According to a legend, the fort was built by Parikshit and restored by Nain Singh in the eighteenth century. The fort was dismantled in 1857, to be used as a police station.[52]
The Imperial Gazetteer of India states that throughout the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Gujars and Musalman (Muslim) Rajputs proved the "most irreconcilable enemies" of the British in the Bulandshahr area.[53] A band of rebellious Gurjars ransacked Bulandshahr after a revolt by the 9th Native Infantry on May 21, 1857. The British officers initially left for Meerut but later sent a small force to retake the town. The British forces were able to retake the town with the help of Dehra Gurkhas, but the Gujars rose again after the Gurkhas marched off to assist General Wilson's column in another area. Under the leadership of Walidad Khan of Malagarh, the British garrison was driven out the district. Walidad Khan held Bulandshahr from July to September, until he was expelled after an engagement with Colonel Greathed's flying column. On October 4, the Bulandshahr District was regularly occupied by the British Colonel Farquhar and measures of repression were adopted against the armed Gujars.
During the revolt of 1857, the Muslim Gujars in the villages of the Ludhiana District showed dissent to the British authorities.[54] The British interests in Gangoh city of Saharanpur District were threatened by the rebel Gujars under the self-styled Raja Fathua. These Gujars rebels were defeated by the British forces under H. D. Robertson and Lieutenant Boisragon, in June 1857.[55] The Gujars of Chundrowli rose against the British, under the leadership of Damar Ram. The Gujars of Shunkuri village, numbering around three thousand, joined the rebel sepoys. According to British records, the Gurjars plundered gunpowder and ammunition from the British and their allies.[56][57] In Delhi, the Metcalfe House was sacked by the Gurjar villagers from whom the land was taken to erect the building.[58] The British records claim that the Gujars carried out several robberies. Twenty Gujars were reported to have been beheaded by Rao Tula Ram for committing dacoities in July 1857.[56] In September 1857, the British were able to enliist the support of many Gujars at Meerut.[59] The colonial authors always used the code word "turbulent" for the castes who were generally hostile to British rule. They cited proverbs that appear to evaluate the caste in an unfavorable light. British author Crook described that Gurjars seriously impeded the operations of the British army before Delhi.[60] Reporter Meena Radhakrishna believe that the British classified the Gurjars along with others as "criminal tribes" because of their active participation in the revolt of 1857, and also because, they considered these tribes to be prone to criminality in the absence of legitimate means of livelihood .[61] The Imperial Gazetteer of India stated that the Gujars were impoverished due to their "lawlessness in the Mutiny".[62][63] During the World War II, several Gurjars served in the British Indian army. Kamal Ram, a Gurjar sepoy, was awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry.


Gurjars are mainly concentrated in the Indo-Gangetic plains, the Himalayan region, and eastern parts of Afghanistan, although the Gurjar diaspora is found in other places as well. A majority of Gurjars follow Hinduism and Islam, though small Gurjar communities following other religions exist.


In India, Gurjar populations are found mainly in RajasthanGujaratDelhiHaryanaPunjab, western Uttar PradeshUttarakhand, northern Madhya PradeshHimachal Pradesh andMaharashtra. The semi-nomadic Muslim Gujjar groups are found in the states of Jammu and KashmirHimachal Pradesh, and north-western Uttar Pradesh.[64] The name for the state of Gujarat has derived from "Gurjar".[65]
Gujari (or Gojri), classified under Rajasthani,[66] has traditionally been the primary language of the Gurjaras. But, Gurjars living in different areas speak several other languages including HindiRajasthani etc.
Gurjars in North India are now considered as a vote bank by some political parties.[67][68] Rajesh Pilot was a major Gurjar leader in North India.The Gurjars of RajasthanHaryana,Madhya Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh are classified as Other Backward Class.The Nomadic Muslim Gujjars of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir were classified as aScheduled Tribe.


Gurjar Pratihars domination around ninth century.

Coin of Great Gurjar Samrat Mihir Bhoja.
There are near about 70 Gurjar dominated villages in Delhi, most of them concentrated in South and East Delhi. The main Gurjar gotras in Delhi are:
  • Lohmod: (about 3 - 4 village in South delhi i.e. Aayanagar, Ghitorni & Nathupur)
  • Dedha: (about 24 villages in East Delhi)
  • Baisoya :(6 villages mainly in the central zone—Pilanji, Aliganj, Khairpur, Joodbagh, Purani Pilanji, Garhi-Jhariya Marhiya)
  • Chaprana: 1 village Julaina which was established by Haryana's village Mewla's Gurjars since 150 years ago
  • Basista/Bosatta: 2 villages in Delhi - Sarai Kale Khan and Khanpur
  • Tanwar/Tomar: 7 villages in Delhi namely Chandan Hola, Asola, Fathpur Beri, Mandi, Dera, Choti Bhati and Bhati Mines or Baas
  • Bidhuri: 5-6 villages in Delhi such as Tughlaqabad, Madanpur Khadar and Jasola.
  • Khari: 5-6 villages in Delhi such as Sultanpur, Rampura, Chandrawal and Wazirpur
  • Rankne: 2 villages in Dellhi Aali and badarpur.
  • Bainsla: Kotla Mubarak Pur one village in Delhi.
  • Naagar: Hasanpur Nagla in East Delhi.
  • Daak: 1 village tamur nagar.
  • Maavi: 1 village Tekhand
  • Koli: 1 village Zamrudpur


The Gurjar community in Haryana has set elaborate guidelines for solemnizing marriages and holding other functions.[69] They also highly concentrated in Yamunanagar, Ambala, Krukshetra, Karnal, Panipat, Gurgaon, Kaithal, Hissar, and in many other cities.[citation needed] In a mahapanchayat ("the great panchayat"), the Gurjar community decided that those who sought dowry would be excommunicated from the society.[70] Dasrath Bhadana, a Commando is now an officer in Indian Navy from Village Mandori near Mandkola awarded Saurya Chakra in Kashmir Valley.


Fairs of Shri Devnarayan Bhagwan are organized two times in a year at Demali, Maalasheri, Asind and Jodhpuriya

Statue of Sri Sawai Bhoj Bagaravat, one of the 24 Gurjar brothers collectively known as Bagaravats, at Dev Dham Jodhpuriyatemple.
There is close connection between Pushkar and Gurjar community.Pushkar is considered one of the holiest place to visit.According to Rajputana Gazetteer Pushkar was held by Chechi Gurjars till about 700 years ago.[71] According to a legend consort of Brahma, Goddess Gayatri, belonged to Chechi clan of the Gurjars.[72] There are still priests from Gurjar community in Pushkar temple known as Bhopas.[73]
Songs pertaining to lord Krishna and Gurjars are well famous in Gurjar inhibited areas as Nand Mihir, the foster father of Lord Krishna, is said to belong to the Gurjars.[74] and Radha, the consort of Lord Krishna was also a Gurjari, belonging to village Barsana, nearMathura.[75]
The Rajasthani Gurjars worship the Sun God, God Devnarayan, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Goddess Bhavani.[76][77][78] Major focus is given to worship lord Devnarayan as incarnation of lord Vishnu.
The Gurjars form two divisions here.They are Laur Gurjars, who claim to be descendant from Lava, son of lord Ramchandra and Khari Gurjars, who claim to be descendant from Kush, other son of lord Ramchandra.Lor Gurjars usually don't intermarry with Khari Gurjars, though both enjoy same social status.[79]
Gurjars form one of the major communities in Rajashtan, and are seen as a vote bank by political parties. The Gurjars of Rajasthan are predominantly rural, pastoral and agriculturist community. They keep cows, buffalo, goats and sheep for milk products.The Gujars lead a technologically simple life in close harmony with its natural environment. In Rajasthan, some members of the Gurjar community resorted to violent protests over the issue of reservation in 2006 and 2007. The more powerful and more influential Jat community had been included under the Other Backward Classes (OBC) category, which prompted the Gurjars to demand Scheduled Tribe (ST) status. During the 2003 election to the Rajasthan assembly, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) promised them ST status.[80] However, the party failed to keep its promise after coming to the power, resulting in protests by the Gurjars in September 2006.[81]
In May 2007, during violent protests over the reservation issue, the members of the Gurjar community clashed with the police twenty six people (including two policemen).[82] Subsequently, the Gurjars protested violently, under various groups including the Gurjar Sangarsh Samiti,[83] Gurjar Mahasabha[84] and the Gurjar Action Committee[85] The protestors blocked roads and set fire to two police stations and some vehicles.[86] Presently, the Gurjars in Rajasthan are classified as Other Backward Classes (OBCs).[87]
On June 5, 2007 the Gurjar rioted over their desire to be added to the governments of India list of tribes who are given preference in India government job selection as well as placement in the schools sponsored by the states of India. This preference is given under a system designed to help India's poor and disadvantaged citizens. However, other tribes on the list oppose this request as it would make it harder to obtain the few positions already set aside.[88]
In December 2007, the Akhil Bhartiya Gurjar Mahasabha ("All-India Gurjar Council") stated that the community would boycott BJP, which is in power in Rajasthan.[89] But now in 2009 all Gurjars were supporting BJP so that they can be politically benefitted.Kirori Singh Bainsla fought and lost at BJP ticket. In early 2000s, the Gurjar community in Rajasthan was also in news for the falling sex ratio, unavailability of brides and the resulting polyandry.[90][91]
In Rajasthan, a guest, even if he is total stranger, is treated with great courtesy and looked after with much warmth which is specially characteristic of rural people.[92]

Uttar Pradesh

Kotwal Dhan Singh Gurjar, Indian freedom fighter of the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
In Uttar Pradesh, the Gurjar populations are found mainly in the western U.P. region. This includes SaharanpurMuzaffarnagarMeerutBijnor,MoradabadGhaziabadNoidaBulandshaharPilibhit and Bareilly. In Noida to a lesser extent, they are also found in RampurAgra andBundelkhand (Baghpat).
Generally, the Gurjars in Western U.P. and N.C.R. are well-off; their economy depends on agriculture, milk trade and production, and to a minor extent, real estate. Recently, the current generation boys & girls have started doing well in the field of education as well. Villages like Bhagout, Bhaidapur, Shaklpura, Dagarpur & Jawli have started progressing mainly because they are granting good education to their children.

Madhya Pradesh

According to the British records, the Gurjar population in Central India was around 56,000 in 1911. Most of these Gurjars were concentrated in the Nimar and Hoshangabad regions of the Narmada vallery. Most of these were migrants from the Gwalior region, Bhind Dist. in Gurjar Villages Kanathar, Kairora, Kaimokhari, Dandaraoa (famous Hanuman Temple), Katarol, Etayada, Bagarai, Habipura, Kadhuma, Karaua, like samething 50-60 villages in Bhind dist. in Madhya Pradesh. While some of the Gurjars in Nimar area were immigrants from Gujarat.[18] Presently, the Gurjars in Madhya Pradesh are classified as Other Backward Classes (OBCs).[93]

Gujarat and Maharashtra

A few scholars believe that the Leva Kunbis (or Kambis) of Gujarat, a section of the Patidars, are possibly of Gurjar origin.[94][95][96] However, several others state that the Patidars are Kurmis or Kunbis (Kanbis);[97][98] the National Commission for Backward Classes of India lists Leva Patidars (or Lewa Petidars) as a sub-caste of Kunbis/Kurmis. Dode Gujars and Dore Gujars are listed as separate caste in Maharastra and Gurjars are included in OBC list in Gujarat but Patidars are not.[99] Most of Patidar associations clearly mention in their history that they are the part of Kurmi Samaj.[97][98][100][101][102][103][104]
Among Marathas, one of the major clans is called "Bargujar".[105] Prataprao Gujar was the third royal Sarnaubat (Commander-in-chief) of Maratha ruler Shivaji's army. Sidhoji Bargujar was a notable admiral in Shivaji's navy.[106] The Khandesh region in Maharashtra has a sizable Gujar population, the major sub-castes being Dode Gujar, Leva Gujar, Bargujar etc.
A community using Gurjar and Gurjarpadhye as their surnames resides in the coastal Konkan region of Maharashtra, inhabiting Pangre, Hasol, and other villages in Ratnagiri District. Originally bearing the name "Gurjarpadhye", many now prefer to call themselves Gurjar. The community may have been living in the Konkan region for at least three centuries, although this estimate may be inaccurate. The community is a sub-caste of the larger Karhade Brahmin group[107] and speaks the Marathi language. This community might be a part of the bigger Gujar community. However, it is difficult to explain how they settled down in the Konkan region and are Brahmins rather than Kshatriyas. Local pandits claim that the Gurjars are essentially a priestly community and that it is only the subcastes that assumed Kshatriya status in order to earn a livelihood in other more practical professions.
Gujar are also found in some clans of Kshtriya Dhangar.Dode Gujar and Dore Gujar are listed as separate caste in Maharastra and are included in OBC list in Maharashtra.
Gujars of Nagpur form one of the leading clan of Satghare or Seven Houses.Last prince of Nagpur was from Gurjar clan.[108]
There is also one another separate caste in Maharashtra called as "Reve Gujars". Dode Gujars and Reve Gujars speak a special kind of language called as "Gujari" or "Gujrau".

Jammu and Kashmir

In the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir, the concentration of Muslim Gujjars is observed in the districts of Rajouri and Poonch, followed by, AnanatnagUdhampur and Dodadistricts.[109] It is believed that Gujjars migrated to Jammu and Kashmir from Gujarat (via Rajasthan) and Hazara district of NWFP.[110] Another group called Bakarwal (or Bakerwal) belongs to the same ethnic stock as the Gujjars, and inter-marriages freely take place among them.
The Gujjars and the Bakarwals in Jammu and Kashmir were notified as the Scheduled Tribes vide the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Act, 1991.[109] According to the 2001 Census of India, Gujjar is the most populous scheduled tribe in J&K, having a population of 763,806. Around 99.3 per cent population of Gujjar and Bakarwal in J&K follow Islam.[109] But according to local NGO namely Tribal Research And Cultural Foundation, Gujjars constitute more than 20% of total population of the State.[111]
The Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir in 2007 demanded to treat this tribal community as a linguistic minority in the State and provide constitutional safeguards to their languageGojri. They also impressed upon the state government to take up the matter with Delhi for inclusion of Gojri in the list of official languages of India.[112][113]
In 2002, some Gujjars and Bakarwals in J&K demanded a separate state (Gujaristan) for Gujjar and Bakerwal communities, under the banner of All India Gujjar Parishad.[114]

Van Gujjars

The Van Gujjars("forest Gujjars") are found in the Shivalik hills area of North India. The Van Gujjars follow Islam, and they have their own clans, similar to the Hindu gotras.[115] They are a pastoral semi-nomadic community, practising transhumance. In the winter season, the Van Gujjars migrate with their herds to the Shiwalik foothills, and in summer, they migrate to pastures high up in the mountains. The Van Gujjars have had conflicts with the forest authorities, who prohibited human and livestock populations inside a reserved park, and blamed the Van Gujjar community for poaching and timber smuggling.[115] After the creation of the Rajaji National Park (RNP), the Van Gujjars in Deharadun were asked to shift to a resettlement colony at Pathari near Hardwar. In 1992, when the Van Gujjars returned to the foothills, the RNP authorities tried to block them from the park area. The community fought back and finally the forest authorities had to relent.[116] Later, a community forest management (CFM) programme aiming to involve the Van Gujjars in forest management was launched.


The Muslim Gujjars are considered to be a major tribe in Pakistan; in fact, they compromise as much as twenty percent of the country's entire populaion.[117] Gujjars have given their names to several places in Pakistan, including GujranwalaGujjar NallahGujar KhanGojra and Gujrat. The Gujjars have migrated and settled in many urban areas of Pakistan. IslamabadSialkotLahoreFaisalabad and Karachi has now large Gujjar population. Some population is also present in urban and rural areas of Sindh and Balochistan. Male Gujjars are entitled to use the prefix Ch. (abbreviation for Chaudhury) in front of their first name. This acts as a courtesy title.

Azad Kashmir

There are many prominent Gujjar families in the Azad Kashmir, in the following places: Pramekot, Rahimkot, Riat, DadyalMirpur, Bhalot Chowk (Mirpur), Mandi Village (Ddayal),Sahalia (Dadyal) Saliah Village (Dayal), Kund (Dadyal), Kotli (Khoi Ratta, Anderla Kothera, Shaheen Abad, Dakkhana, Phalini, Khor, Ghayeen, Kerjai, Barali Gala, Nidi Sohana. In the Nakiyal District, Kotli the Gujjars are majority, in population, business, education, and politics the majority of Gujjars families are settled in America, England, France, Canada and other European countries, the common Gujjars villages in Teh Nakiyal are Nirgal, Karaila, Lanjot, Mhandethar, Balmi, Narran ni Tarrar, Bhandi, Tharkundi, Palani, Jair, Mohrha sharief, Khandhar, Supply, Phanag, Sehnsa, Bagh (Haveli), Hajirah, Abbaspour Bura JungleMuzaffarabad and Neelum District.[citation needed]


Gujar kids in Afghanistan, 1984
According to Asiatick Society (Calcutta, India), before the reign of Akbar, all the zamindaar (landlords) of Mandar Afghanistan were of the Gujar race. The Gujars of Afghanistan were described as brave, and mainly pastoral, and numerous in Hashtnagar district (now in Pakistan).[118]
A significant number of Gujjars are found in eastern Kunar province of Afghanistan,[119] with smaller minorities in Laghman and Nurestan provinces.[120] They are mentioned by name in the national anthem of Afghanistan in the list of the names of the people. The Gujjars of Afghanistan speak Pashto as they have settled in Pashtuns dominated areas and have adopted their language.[citation needed]

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